Cierra Ray W3Schools

Learning Profile

Learning Web Development

I have been interested in web development since I learned about the internet. I studied Computer Science and became a Java programing tutor. Then went back to school in Techical Communication so I could be more skilled with web content. Now I am on my second semester in a masters program in Web and Mobile Applications Development

I beleive nobody truly masters CSS 100%. It is a changing practice and evolves as each browser version comes out. However this class has taught me a lot about responsive web desgin. I plan on using the skills I am learning here while improving my Javascript abilities to become a successful developer.

I have been interested in web development since I learned about the internet. I studied Computer Science and became a Java programing tutor. Then went back to school in Techical Communication so I could be more skilled with web content. Now I am on my second semester in a masters program in Web and Mobile Applications Development

My W3Schools Account

About Me

Favorite Places

I relocated from Atlanta Ga, to be closer to Walt Disney World. The "Happiest Place on Earth" is my happiest place on earth. Before graduating with my undergraduate I even worked as a 3rd party cast member, and it was a fun place to work.

While the Cinderela Castle is one of my favorite buildings, Animal Kingdom is my favorite park to visit.

Alma Mater

I am a former Starbucks barista that was a part of the Starbucks College Acheivement Plan. While working on Disney Property I got my Degree from Arizona State University I started in IT, but my love for design and web content caused me to migrate into Technical Communication.

My graduate school options was to stay at ASU or come to FHSU and do a web development program. Here I am a proud student at FHSU but Go Devils!

Favorite Animals

One of my favorite things about living in Florida is the Animals. Some are the kindest creatures, and some not so much. Manatee's are the kind ones. Every winter they flock to Florida to stay warm. in Crystal River Florida where it's the only legal place to swim with Manatee's is where thousands of them come to spend their winters.

One of my bucketlist items was always to come to florida to spend time with the Manatee's, but now that I live here, I can visit them anytime. I hope to help preserve their homes in the near future.